Regina Kaufman | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Regina Kaufman

Regina Kaufman

Professor of Physical Therapy
Regina Kaufman, Springfield College
  • Bachelor of Science, Russell Sage College, Troy, New York, 1984
  • 1995年,马萨诸塞州波士顿MGH卫生专业研究所理学硕士
  • 2007年,马萨诸塞州阿默斯特市马萨诸塞大学教育学博士

Regina Kaufman joined the Department of Physical Therapy faculty in 1999. She has been a physical therapist since 1984.  她被美国物理治疗专业委员会认证为神经物理治疗专家, since 1998.  她是一名院士和临床医生,拥有超过30年的与所有年龄的患有神经系统和其他慢性健康和行动条件的成年人一起工作的经验.  She has a strong commitment to community-engaged education.  她履行了这一承诺作为物理治疗社区活动诊所(CMC)的主任.  For nearly 2 decades, CMC一直是患有慢性神经系统疾病和其他疾病的社区成员的资源.  CMC夫妇为DPT学生教育提供物理治疗服务, 促进改善社区参与者的健康和功能,同时通过实践和培训加强DPT学生的发展.  她是几个以证据为基础的平衡和流动性增强项目的认证领导者, including Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance (TJQ), Stay Active & Independent for Life (SAIL), and Walk with Ease.  She is a certified master trainer for SAIL. She is funded through the Community Falls Risk Reduction Initiative of the U.S. Administration for Community Living, to implement and promote community-based implementation of SAIL and TJQ.  赠款倡议的重点是与地方和区域组织合作,改善生活在马萨诸塞州西部的老年人的流动性和减少跌倒.

Research Interests
  • 促进成人和患有慢性疾病的老年人的健康和减少跌倒风险

  • 物理治疗师专业教育中的社区参与与服务学习

  • Health humanities

Courses Taught
  • Foundations of Physical Therapy Practice I
  • Management of Patients with Neuromuscular Disorders I
  • Management of Patients with Neuromuscular Disorders II
  • Management of Balance and Gait Disorders
Certifications and Memberships
  • Board Certified Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy

Selected Works


  • Roberts DR, Letendre DM, Kaufman R.  参加为期8周的综合锻炼计划是否能改善慢性中风患者的生活质量?  美国物理治疗协会马萨诸塞州分会年会. Held virtually. October 2020. 

  • Kaufman R.  以步行为中心的康复的意外后果:问题多于答案.  Health Humanities Consortium Conference.  Nashville, TN.  March 2020. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19)

  • Kaufman R, Pappas K, Nowakowski K, Whitney S, Werner E.  多学科丰富有助于创伤性脑损伤后四年的多维改善:一例报告.  在创伤性脑损伤联邦机构间会议上的海报展示.  Washington, DC, June 2018.

  • Kaufman R, Roberts D.  慢性运动功能障碍患者的长期康复训练:扩大社区参与和研究的范围.  “社区参与与研究研讨会”的海报已获接纳, UMass Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Worcester, MA.  March 2018.

  • Kaufman R, Roberts D, Brooks S et al.  社区参与作为课程的基石:全面的服务承诺促进卓越的教育.  IMPACT Conference, Amherst, MA.  February 2016.

  • Kaufman R, Chevan J, Roberts D, Nowakowski K, et al.  社区参与作为课程的基石:全面的服务承诺促进卓越的教育.  APTA教育领导会议教育会议,巴尔的摩,马里兰州., October 2015.

  • Kaufman R, Nowakowski K, Roberts D, Chevan J.  Community Engagement as a Curricular Cornerstone.  Kaufman, Nowakowski, Roberts, PT, Montemagni, Pelletier, Chevan.  海报展示在第三届年度公益网络会议,切斯特,宾夕法尼亚州. March 2015.

  • Kaufman R, Chevan J. 社区参与物理治疗教育中心:社区参与机构战略规划和部门发展的路线图.  Poster presentation, Eastern Regional Campus Compact Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 2013.

  • Kaufman R, Nowakowski K, Roberts D.  连功运动项目改善慢性中风患者的平衡能力并降低跌倒风险:一个病例系列.  Platform presentation, Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA.  San Diego, California, January 2013.

  • Wetherbee E, Palaima M, Applebaum D, Nelson L, Pelletier D, McSorley O, Kaufman R.  加强学术和临床教育的伙伴关系:焦点小组讨论.  Platform presentation, Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA.  San Diego, California, January 2013.

  • Wetherbee E, Palaima M, Applebaum D, Nelson L, Pelletier D, McSorley O, Kaufman R.  学术和临床合作应对临床教育中的挑战.  Educational Session, Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA.  San Diego, California, January 2013.

  • Pelletier D, McSorley O, Kaufman R.  焦点小组讨论:迎接当代临床实践和临床教育的挑战.  Educational Leadership Conference, Greenwich, Ct, October 2012.

  • Kaufman R, Pelletier D, Nowakowski K, Miller D.  通过整合到物理治疗课程的社区服务学习计划的可持续性.  Poster presentation, Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions conference, Charlotte, NC, October 2010.

  • Kaufman R, Pelletier D, Nowakowski K.  参与卒中运动组的多重意义:社区伙伴分享他们的观点.  Poster presentation, APTA Conference and Exposition, Boston, Ma, June 2010.

  • Kaufman R.  影响物理治疗师教育项目教师出版效率的因素.  Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA. February 2007.

  • Kaufman R, Nowakowski, K.  服务即学习:卒中练习组作为贯穿课程的教学法.  Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA. February 2007.

  • Nowakowski K, Kaufman R.  中风运动项目:学术环境中群体干预的循证模型.  Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA. February 2007.

  • Kaufman R. 反思性别与物理治疗的职业旅程:四位女教师分享她们的故事.  APTA Scientific Meeting & Exposition, June 2005

  • Welles J, Kaufman R, Stern G.  “The course objectives inventory database.”  APTA Scientific Meeting & Exposition, June 2001.


  • Kaufman RR. Feeding and Dressing.  Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine.  December 2, 2021.

  • Gill-Body K, Herdman L, …. Kaufman R, ….  平衡功能障碍的运动系统诊断:来自神经物理治疗学会运动系统工作组的建议.  Phys Ther. 2021: 101.

  • Kaufman RR.  Why was I so Afraid?  Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation (online).  Fall 2020.

  • Kaufman RR.  Lessons from the lake.  Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation (online).  Spring 2017

  • Nowakowski K, Kaufman RR, Pelletier D.  临床服务学习模式促进老年物理治疗基本能力的掌握.  Journal of Physical Therapy Education.  2014;28:46-53.

  • Kaufman RR, Chevan J.  物理治疗教员同行评议出版物中的性别差异:一个生产力难题.  Phys Ther, 2011;91:122-131.

  • Kaufman R. 职业因素有助于预测物理治疗师教育项目中教师奖学金的生产力.  Phys Ther, 2009;89:204-216.

  • Kaufman RR. 对物理治疗学术的学科性质和地位的反思.  Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2005;19(1):3-8.

  • O’Meara K, Kaufman RR, Kuntz AM.  Faculty work in challenging times: trends, consequences, and implications.  Liberal Education. 2003;89(4).

  • Chevan J, Atherton H, Hart M, Holland C, Larue B, Kaufman RR.  有跌倒风险的老年人的非目标和目标导向功能范围.  Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. 2003;26(2):22-25.

  • Kaufman RR.  学生发展理论与物理治疗教育专业能力模型的关系. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2002;16(2):42-48.

  • Kaufman RR, Portney LG, Jette DJ. 传统与问题导向课程中物理治疗专业学生的临床表现. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 1997;11:26-31.

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